Its very nice! I do love this game but every other pack should be free. I feel like money is being spent everyday at my house just for apps. I mean I this way because you already got that app
Its very nice! I do love this game but every other pack should be free. I feel like money is being spent everyday at my house just for apps. I mean I this way because you already got that app
I might have rated this a five star game if it werent for being nagged literally after each and every puzzle to give a review. Words cannot express how annoying that was and how it truly detracted from my enjoyment of the game. If you dont like games by companies that obviously dont have much faith in their creations, this is NOT the game for you! The creators need to heed the title of this post!!!
Love it...but idk what the one with the blue car and kitten is!!
Im sure this game would be more enjoyable if it werent for the constant nagging to rate the game and the influx of ADs
Teaches to stay focused and is very challenging towards ur mind and fun at the same time
Oh I my o can man love everyone everything That this game did
I dont like it (NOT worth it)
Its fun but you have to pay for everything and I wish some of them could be a little bit easier.but what ever.
This game is stupid and dumb and I dont like it
It was fun
Its amazing
Its a fun and somewhat challenging game
I cant stop playing it
I love this game except this is my dads phone and it uses up a little much to storage
I love this game but it is a little hard
Is good but not perfect
Best game ever for guessing you guys are awesome for making this for people to play I play this when I am bored and about 9/10% of the time I am bored so thank u so much
Fun too pray
This game is the best and its great I love it so much
It a fun game. You need to try it. I love